Tuesday 18 December 2012

How cars have changed over the years

Over the years cars have changed thourgh speed, braking ability and many other things. To be honset i dont't know much about cars, but i will try to fill as much as i can. There are many different types of cars like the off-roaders which are the Land Rovers and things like that, the really fast ones like Lamborghini Aventador, there are to many types of cars to name them all in this page so i will only talk about some of them, like the well know ones. on the bottom there is a picture of one of the newer more modern Land Rovers, and on the top the is a picture of a Lamborghini Aventador. Some cars that we have now have phone holders so, you put your phone in the holder and the details come up on the little screen attached to the phone, there is a dial to turn so you can call the people you want, and won't have to hold a phone to your ear, this means you can focus on your driving while having a phone call. Some cars have a system in them so they can direct you to the places you want to go without having a satnav. First i will talk a bit about off-roaders, there are many offroading cars like, Range Rovers, Land Rovers and many more. Off-roading cars are vehicles that can drive along the road like normal and they can go along the countryside with ease, this is because of their big wheels, Land Rovers and Range Rovers have upgraded alot since they were built, now they have built in navigation systems, phones system and many other things. Land Rovers are normally used for military purposes, because of how big they are and that they can go off-road is a good reason for it to have military purposes. Now i will talk a bit about the more speedy cars like the Lamborghini Aventador, this car was made in 2011, this car has the same gadgets as the Land Rovers.

There are many different things cars do now a days like racing for sport, transporting people (of course) used in military operations and many other things. but not all cars do racing and not all cars are used in the military, there are certian cars for the different jobs like the land rovers, range rover type of car is used in the military and the fast, speedy cars like ferraii's and bmw are used for racing.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

How social networking sites have changed our life's

Social networks are a big thing at the moment because a lot of people are signing up for things like facebook,twitter and the other social networks because alot of their friends most probally have it so they want it as well so they can talk to them after school for free.

There are many advantages of social networking sites like: you can talk to your friends of you dont want to waste credit on your phone, on some networking sites there are some games that you can play with your friends if you invite them to do it. There are also a lot of disadvantages with social networks like: people looking at your profile, people blackmailing you and cyber bulling you and other things.

The main reason for social networking sites are people can look up other people name they may of made friends with in school and they can get back with them and arrange to meet up, aswell as people use social networking sites to talk with their friends when they get home so they don't watse their phone battery and credit.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Cyberbullying and hacking


First i will talk about the effects of cyberbullying. Some of the effects of cyberbullying are having depression, sadness, anger, feeling hurt, embarrassed and afraid. Cyberbullying is when someone gets bullied over the internet, phone or some other way of technical communication. No one knows why people cyberbully, maybe it is because they were bullied when they were younger, now they bully other people to get rid of their pain. Sometimes when some one is cyberbullied the victim commites suicide. Normally if people get bullied they don't tell anyone, so when they kill themselves no one knows who was bullying them, so the person that was gets away.


Next i will talk about hacking and it's effects. Some of the effects of hacking is that when someone hacks into your computer they can upload virus, which can take ages to get rid of. Hackers can steal your identity if they get in to your computer, they can also get into your personnal items and delete them all, plus they can get onto your social network sites and talk as you. There are many ways to get rid of hackers and to keep them out of your computer, you can upload an anti-virus to your computer so it will stop the hacker from uploading a virus to your computer.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

How new technology has changed our life's

The new technology we have today has changed the way we live by, fisrtly updating the old stuff to new, like computers and phones were invented ages ago and they were massive, but now they are qiute thin and easy to carry around unlike the old versions. technology has also changed our life's by adding new things like some new equipment in the hospitals and school, like ins schools they added interactive whiteboards.

This picture shows how the old phones have changed during the years. It also represents all the old technology being upgraded to the new technology we have now, like from PS1 to PS3, tv with box's on the back to plasma screen hd tv's.

Technology has changed by in the old days children played outside with their friends all the time, but now most people are inside playing on a xbox or ps3, but there are some people who still go outside and play football and things like that.

Technology has changed also when they added the new type of phone/camara/communication device, they called it the ipad. Ipads every year are constantly being bought because they are that popular and new that people whant to see what they can do. Other technology that is new is the kinect for xbox, that is really new because what ever you do in the room you are in, it happens on the screen, basically the kinect is a motion sensor added to the xbox.

Another technology that is new, are cars. Cars have changed by in the old days when cars were new, they weren't that fast and well equipped, but then you look at the cars we have today, they have changed alot. Most of the new cars we have today have all the lastest vgadgets in them, like built in phone holder- so you don't have to have it in your hand, and you can consentrate more on driving, others are they go alot faster than the old cars because they are sometimes a bit lighter than the old ones.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Do violent video games cause behaviour problems?

Alot of parents think that violent video games cause behaviour problems, but if you think about it would you rather have the people you play those games out on the streets cuasing crime and other things, or would you rather have them in their house where they can't cause any crime or problems.

In the world there is about 35% of the world that think violent video games cause behaviour problems, and the rest of the world don't think that violent video games cause behaviour problems. I myself dont think that violent video games cuase behaviuor problems, because i play those types of games and i don't have violent behaviuor problems.

Apparently two-thirds of those aged between 12-15 get more violent because of video games and not tv and/or films.

According to some doctors violent video games don't make people have violent behaviour problems.
I think the things that make people violent are some friends, (like the ones that smoke,take drugs etc)
because some friends go around stealing things and getting into gangs or fighting against other people which makes you join in and help them.

Violent video games overall don't make people have violent behaviour problems, the only thing that is bad about them is the language, but if the parents let them they must know there will be some bad language in them.

Some people say that the people that play video games are more likely to be violent than the people that don't play video games.

How mobile phones have changed the way we live

Mobile phones have changed our life's by letting us communicate with no matter where they are in the world.It has also changed our life's by making us stay connected with the latest news. On most phones you can get internet access, so you can look up stuff on the go. For example: you can use social networking sites to arange meeting with someone.
Other things you can do with mobile phones are video chats. Mobile phones are good for the average working person because, say for example there is a meeting happing but you didnt know about it, someone that works with you could text you to tell you before you get to work.

The bad things about mobile phones are that you can get cyberbulled if someone gives someone else your number. plus if it breaks some companys dont insure it so it costs alot to fix it or someone can spam messages to you which would get annoying.

There are loads of different types of phones from,smart phones,touch screen phones,flip up phones (but they aren't really used anymore) and many more. Every year new phones come out and they get better, like some are now touch screen while others are flip ups or push ups with keyboards.

Every day 206 phones are stolen and 8% of the worlds crime is based around phones. Alot of things are now going digital like,barclays card on the back of the phone,scan the back as a passport etc. Now a days there are so many different apps you can get for your phones like, the new xbox app,facebook,games,Gmail etc.

 In some ways mobile phones have saved us money because there is free calls and texts in some of the new phones, but the old mobile phones don't have that. In the world the mobile subscriptions have gone up by 25% every year.

Another way mobile phones have changed our life's is that they save life's, for example, if you hurt yourself badly at home and you can't reach the home phone, you can just get your mobile phone out of your pocket and ring the emergency services.